Thursday, November 29, 2007

The Brisbane Chronicles - G'Day From Down Under

G'day mates! How ya goin'?

Summer in November. Water spiralling down the drain the opposite way. Santa coming to town on a surfboard.

That's right! I'm in the Land of Oz - Australia!

Starfish High decided to have our month-long Intensive Language Course held in another English-speaking country other than the States this year.

Although, sometimes I wonder if you can really call this English. (I keed, I keed!)

Yours truly got sent along to keep the unruly bunch from going wrong.

What a difference a year can make.

Australia is a really great country. I'm having a blast. Water dragons in the backyard, possums on the telephone lines, eight million different kinds of deadly animals on land and in the water...

Australia...It's FAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAntastic.

But seriously, I'm having a ball. We went to the Lone Pine Koala Reserve last weekend, and yesterday I went to the XXXX (Fourex) Brewery over in Milton and took the $18 tour.

You get four beers at the end! (It's like making all that money back!)

Good times all around, and when I can get my data downloaded, I'll post some pictures.

The one thing that worries me is the weather shock I'm sure to get when I get back to Muroran. Aussie summer to Hokkaido winter in ten hours...not fun.

Until ya hear from me again, toss some shrimp on the barbie, grab a cuppa, and have a nice time with your bloke or sheila.
