Wednesday, June 13, 2007


Went and saw "300" the other day...

Trailer 1

Trailer 2

Must buy DVD...

Spartan goodness with healthy doses of over-the-top violence, although I wonder how a Spartan king ends up with a Scottish accent...

Absolutely cool stuff, but I can see how someone might come up with the idea for this video...

This is good too...

Articles are coming along well. I got #29 and #30 sent off, and need to work on my next two tonight. Sometimes it's easy, but a lot of times it can be really hard to write those things.

Back to work...

Thursday, June 07, 2007

More Video Fun I put off writing my articles.

Gotta get them done tonight, and I'm looking at YouTube and posting videos to my blog instead.

I suck.

But this is pretty funny. "Dear Sister", SNL.

Plus, in honor of "300", finally coming out here this weekend, I give you "Dear Persian".

These get funnier the more I watch them.

Back to work.

This One's For Dad

Talk about it at Videocracy


Working on articles 29 and 30 for this week...

I'm writing about the time I caught a 103 degree fever and had to go to the hospital, and then about one of my teachers at Shimane U.

My first article hit the papers Tuesday, and I got a copy in the mail today. Looks good...

Have to get those things done by tomorrow night, as I'm heading off to Tokyo on Friday for a wedding.

Saturday, June 02, 2007

A Big Announcement

So what's the reason behind my utter lack of blogwork, especially since the New Year started?


I am writing a series of 100 articles for a Japanese newspaper.

I'm trying to finish up #27 and #28 right now, actually.

My articles will start being published this Tuesday, and will be published weekly on Tuesdays and Thursdays after that, over a total of 50 weeks.

Some are easier to write than others, but overall it's being a fun experience.

Oh yeah, and all the articles are in Japanese.

Anyway, that's the deal. Most of my writing energy is being funnelled into that project. I'll do my best to keep things going on this page too, though.

In the meantime, enjoy this video.