Wednesday, June 07, 2006

Well, The Apocalypse Never Came...

At least here in Japan, we made it past 6/6/06 with no trouble, so in celebration of the continued existence of the world, here are some recent photos...

Aah, tequila. In a cactus-shaped shot glass.

These good-luck charms can be bought at the Muroran Hachimangu Shrine on the south side of town. This town has a thing for whales, I guess. They say you can sometimes see them out in the ocean.

This...pretty much defies description. It's painted on the side of a sewage treatment plant. I had no idea that Muroran's swans were so well trained.

A sign at a movie theater in Sapporo. Pop quiz, hotshot. How exactly does one "smork"?

A clothing store in Sapporo called "Skank". That almost beats "Nudie Clothing" for the "Least Appealing Clothing Shop Name" award. Almost. Plus, the mascot does nothing to help things.


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