Thursday, December 14, 2006


Mid-terms started today.

Jack and I made sure all of our tests were finished up yesterday, so the next few days will go as smoothly as possible.

I like it when we have tests, because the students are only here in the mornings. Afternoons are free! And since we've changed the way we do our tests, it makes for a lot less stress for us.

So I've been busy with updates!

10/26/2006: The Victors!
10/25/2006: Rakugo Part 1
8/4/2006: The San Diego Chronicles - Day 13: Comics, Guitars, and Cajun Food
8/3/2006: The San Diego Chronicles - Day 12: Coronado
8/2/2006: The San Diego Chronicles - Day 11: Gumbo and Gambit
8/1/2006: The San Diego Chronicles - Day 10: Misadventures Downtown
7/31/2006: The San Diego Chronicles - Day 9: La Jolla and The Fury of The Waves
7/30/2006: The San Diego Chronicles - Day 8: 29 and Counting (Up)


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Don't worry タモリさんです。

Saturday, December 16, 2006 11:05:00 PM  

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